We are pleased to announce that a 13-attorney group from one of the nation’s largest law firms has joined Harrison & Held. This talented team adds to our depth, expands our capabilities both nationally and internationally, and with the opening of new offices in Atlanta, Denver, St. Louis, and Edwardsville grows our geographic footprint. We invite you to review their impressive backgrounds.
Kimberly Civins, Partner
Brent Howard, Partner
Tiffany McKenzie, Partner
Melissa Sprinkle, Associate
Michael Bland, Partner
Linsey Glosier, Partner
Stephanie Moll Kriegel, Partner
St. Louis
Larry Brody, Senior Counsel
Stephen Daiker, Partner
Steve Dawson, Partner
Jarriot Rook, Partner
Alan Singer, Partner
Dyke Arboneaux, Partner
This new team of lawyers follows significant firm growth in 2020. We’re proud to be increasing our attorney headcount at a time when most law firms are contracting.
We welcome these high-caliber attorneys who provide gratifying confirmation of our unique platform. With private wealth law at the center of our offerings, our services extend to the natural interplay of estate planning, business succession, matrimonial law, tax planning and controversies, and related complementary practice areas.