Harrison LLP

Jason S. Ornduff


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Speeches & Publications
  • “Estate Tax Elections,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – Post-Mortem Planning Guidebook (2010, 2012 and 2014 supplement)
  • “Post-Mortem Planning,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – Estate Planning Guidebook (2008 and 2012)
  • “The New Illinois QTIP Election: Answers to Your Questions and More Questions,” Trusts & Estates – Illinois State Bar Association (2009)
  • “The Illinois Estate Tax in 2009,” Chicago Bar Association (2008)
  • “Deducting Administration Expenses at the First Death: Form 706 vs. Form 1041 (Not as Simple as You Think),” Trusts & Estates – Illinois State Bar Association (2008)
  • “Lessons That Planners Can Learn From Celebrity Estate Battles,” Estate Planning (2008)
  • “The New Illinois Estate Tax: One Year Later,” 18 Chicago Bar Association Record 28 (2004)
  • “Releasing the Elderly Inmate: A Solution to Prison Overcrowding,” 4 Elder Law Journal 173 (1996)
  • Co-Presenter, “New and Used Family Limited Partnerships -Where Are We At and What Should We Be Doing,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education, (2019)
  • “An Overview of Taxes and Returns – Interesting Issues in Estate Administration,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (2018)
  • Co-Presenter, “Religious Issues in Estate Planning,” Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago (2018)
  • Co-Panelist, “Religious Considerations in Estate Planning,” American College of Trust and Estate Counsel – Summer Meeting (2017)
  • Co-Presenter, “Religion and Diversity in Your Estate Planning Practice,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – Estate Planning Short Course (2016)
  • “Nuts and Bolts of Estate Planning,” New Lawyer Institute, Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – New Lawyer Institute (2014 and 2017)
  • “Estate Planning – Recent Developments and Emerging Topics”, Chicago Bar Association Forum (2014)
  • Co-Panelist, “Alpha to Omega: Life Cycle of an Estate Plan: The Wonder Years: Advising Clients at the Beginning of the Journey,” American College of Trust and Estate Counsel – Summer Meeting (2014)
  • “Nuts and Bolts of Estate Planning, Parts I and II,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – New Lawyer Institute
  • “Planning for Families of Modest Wealth – Non-Taxable Estates,” Chicago Estate Planning Council (2014)
  • “Best Practices for Individual Trustees,” Greater North Shore Estate & Financial Planning Council (2013)
  • “2013 and Beyond,” RMB Capital Presentation (2013)
  • “Technology in Estate Planning Practice – What are we supposed to do now?”, Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – Estate Planning Short Course (2013)
  • “Individuals as Trustees – Best Practices,” Chicago Bar Association (2013)
  • “ABCs of the GST Tax,” First Midwest Wealth Management – 7th Annual Continuing Legal Education Event (2012)
  • “Powers of Attorney: Protections, Pitfalls and Practical Applications,” Chicago Estate Planning Council (2011)
  • “GST Planning,” DuPage County Estate Planning Council (2011)
  • “GST Tax Basics for CPAs,” Illinois CPA Society Estate and Gift Tax Conference (2010)
  • Revocable Living Trust v. ‘Simple’ Joint Tenancies – When the Simple is Not Always so Simple,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – Estate Planning Short Course (2010)
  • “Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Primer for Trust Professionals,” U.S. Bank-Internal Lecture (2009)
  • “Illinois Estate Planning and Administration for 2009,” Chicago Bar Association (2008)
  • “Estate Plan Tales of the Stars,” DuPage County Estate Planning Council (2008)
  • “GST for CPAs: Basics of the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax,” Illinois CPA Society Estate and Gift Tax Conference (2008)
  • “Ethical Issues in the Representation of Spouses,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (2008)
  • “The ABC’s of the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax,” The Private Bank (2008)
  • “Star Wars: What Larry King, Leona Helmsley and Anna Nicole Smith Can Teach Us,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – Estate Planning Short Course (2008)
  • “The Role of GST Taxes in Everyday Estate Planning,” Chicago Estate Planning Council Younger Members’ Program (2007)
  • “Back to Basics: The Role of Generation-Skipping Transfer Taxes in Everyday Estate Planning,” Harris Trust & Savings Bank (2007)
  • “GST Tax Basics,” Greater North Shore Estate and Financial Planning Council (2007)
  • “Demystifying the GST Tax,” Brown Brothers Harriman (2007)
  • “Basics of the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – Estate Planning Short Course (2007)
  • “The Illinois Estate Tax: 2009 and Beyond,” Kane County Bar Association (2007)
  • “Estate and Asset Protection Planning for the Orthopedist,” American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine 2006 Practice Management Workshop (2006)
  • “Asset Concentrations in Trust,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – Estate Planning Short Course (2006)
  • “Decoupling of State Death Taxes,” Northwest Suburban Estate Planning Council (2005)
  • “The Illinois Estate Tax,” Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education – Estate Planning Short Course (2005)
  • “Creating Liquidity in the Illiquid Estate,” Chicago Bar Association (2005)
  • “Adventures in Planned Giving,” Chicago Council on Planned Giving (2005)
  • “Estate Planning Before the Sale of a Business,” Chicago Bar Association (2004)
  • “Brave New World: Planning for Estate Death Taxes,” Chicago Bar Association (2004)
  • “Charitable Giving of Artwork,” Family Office Forum (1998)

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