Michael J. Bland


T 303.558.1456
F 303.226.8499
Denver, CO
Michael J. Bland

Michael Bland counsels high-net-worth families, business owners, executives, entertainers, and professionals on tax and estate planning strategies, wealth transfer and preservation tactics, business succession planning, and charitable giving methods while integrating those techniques with each client’s business, tax, and personal goals and values. 

Michael also represents trustees, personal representatives, and beneficiaries in the administration of trusts and estates. In this area, he advises on matters including the appointment and discharge of fiduciaries, tax and valuation issues, the filing of necessary tax returns, the distribution of property to beneficiaries, trust compliance requirements, the reformation of trusts and estates, and controversies involving fiduciaries and beneficiaries. 

In addition to being a member of several professional organizations, including the Colorado Bar Association and Illinois Bar Association, Michael is also active in the community. He has served on the Denver Art Museum Advisory Board and the Harry L. and Eva J. Puksta Foundation Advisory Board since 2013, and previously served on the Colorado Public Radio Advisory Board.

A highly-regarded trusts and estates attorney, Michael was named among The Best Lawyers in America®  from 2019-2021.

Michael Bland and Mark Merric, “How the right trust enhances the value of inheritance,” Denver Business Journal (2010)

Michael Bland, Mark Merric, and Mark Monasky, “Beware of Federal Super Creditors,” Trust & Estates (Wealth Management, 2010)

“Selected Estate Planning Topics,” YPO Denver (2014)

“A look at Continuity & Estate Planning Issues for Business Owners,” 2012 Guest Lecture Series (2012)

“Exemption Portability: Is Traditional Credit Shelter Planning Dead?,” Wealth Advisor Series (2011)

“Advising Clients in the Wake of the New Estate & Gift Tax Law,” Annual Exit Planning Conference (2011)

“Uncertainty Resolved…For Now Estate Planning With the New Estate Tax Laws,” Accountant Series (2011)

“Estate Planning Strategies: Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts,” Roundtable Discussion (2009)

“A Lawyer’s View of Psychology of Estate Planning – How to motivate clients to plan in difficult times,” Advisor Series (2009)

“Solid Estate Planning in Uncertain Times”, Annual Tax Conference (2008)

“Estate Planning Basics II,” ALT Life Center (2008) 

“Estate Planning Basics I,” ALT Life Center (2008)



U.S. Supreme Court 

U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois 

Thomas M. Cooley Law School, J.D., cum laude, 1993 

Illinois State University, B.S., 1990

Colorado Bar Association – Trust and Estate Section; Taxation Law Section; Elder Law Section; Statutory Revisions Committee 

Illinois Bar Association – Trusts and Estates Section 

Denver Bar Association 

Denver Estate Planning Council 

Rocky Mountain Estate Planning Council  

Denver Art Museum Advisory Board (2013 – present) 

The Harry L. and Eva J. Puksta Foundation Advisory Board (2013 – present) 

Colorado Public Radio Advisory Board (2011-2012)

The Best Lawyers in America® (2019 -2021) 

Denver Five Star Wealth Manager/Estate Planning Attorney, 5280 Magazine (2011-2015) 

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