Teresa Nuccio


Speeches & Publications
  • Co-author and presenter, “Illinois Trust Code: Artful Drafting Results in Efficient Administration,” Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education (“IICLE”) Elder Law Short Course, (October 29, 2020)
  • Co-author, “Stretching IRAs and Retirement Plans Beyond the 10 Year Max,” Foresight Newsletter, Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired (Fall 2020)
  • Co-presenter, “What Happens When the Plan You Prepared Takes an Unexpected Turn?”, Elder Law Masters Course, ElderCounsel, LLC (August 26, 2016)
  • Co-author and presenter, “The Bigger Bang Theory of Wealth Planning: Creating Client Joy and Principled Profits,” IICLE Estate Planning Short Course (May 2016)
  • Author, “QCD= Win-Win,” Foresight Newsletter (Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Fall 2016)
  • Co-presenter, “How to Create More Meaningful Relationships with Clients, Bring More Significance into Their Plans and Your Life, Develop the Perfect-Balanced Estate Planning Practice,” sponsored by Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired (June 17, 2015)
  • Author, “Riches Worth More Than Money,” Foresight Newsletter (Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Winter 2015)
  • Presenter, “Smart Strategies for DMMs to be Indispensable During Estate Administration,” American Association of Daily Money Managers (AADMM) Webinar (May 2018)
  • Presenter, “What to Put in Your Love Drawer,” AADMM Webinar (September 2017)
  • Co-Author, “Joint Trusts in a Separate Property State: Time for a Second Look?”, WealthCounsel Quarterly (April 2013)
  • Co-presenter, “Drafting Joint Trusts in Illinois,” WealthCounsel Illinois Forum of Estate Planning Attorneys (February 2013)
  • Co-presenter, “Planning with Annuities and Promissory Notes,” Illinois Chapter, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (June 2012)
  • Presenter, “Proactive and Crisis Planning Strategies Under DRA in Illlinois,” Chicago Bar Association (May 2012)
  • Author, “Proactive and Crisis Planning Strategies Under DRA and the SMART Act,” ISBA Trusts & Estates Newsletter (July 2012)
  • Co-presenter and co-author, “Illinois Medicaid Basics,” ElderCounsel, LLC Chicago Conference (July 2011)
  • Co-Presenter, “Winning in the Second Half” Money Smart Week, Des Plaines Senior Center (April 2012)
  • Presenter, “Special Needs Planning,” Multiple Sclerosis Society Support Group Leaders Annual Conference (October 2010)
  • Author, “Integrating Legacy Planning Into Your Practice,” WealthCounsel Quarterly (April 2009)
  • Presenter, “The ABCs of Long-Term Care,” Covenant Home (May 2015)
  • Presenter, “I Thought Medicare Paid For That!” St. Francis Hospital, Nursing CEU (June 2014)
  • Presenter, “Top Five Planning Ideas for Seniors: Winning in the Fourth Quarter,” ManorCare (February 2014)
  • Presenter, “Planning for Your Future,” Alzheimer’s Support Group, (May 2013) and MS Support Groups (2011, 2012, 2015)
  • Presenter, “Making Your Will Work for You,” Norwood Life Care Foundation (October 2013)
  • Co-presenter, “Caring is Preparing,” Ryan Parke Funeral Home at the Summit of Uptown (October 2013)
  • Presenter, “Ethical Wills,” Chicago North Center Senior Center (September 2013)
  • Presenter, “Why Everyone Needs and Estate Plan,” Women’s Interactive Network, Charles Schwab, Schaumburg (August 2012)
  • Co-presenter, “Financial Fitness,” Des Plaines Public Library (January 2011)
  • Presenter, “Planning for a Loved One with Special Needs,” Renaissance Office Center (March and August 2011)
  • Presenter, “Creating Your Estate Plan,” Charles Schwab, Northbrook, June, 2010
  • Presenter, “Understanding Estate Planning and Living Trusts,” First Chicago Bank (now Wintrust) Platinum Adventures Club (August 2008)
  • Presenter, “Preserving Your Family Legacy,” Private Client Breakfast, Park Ridge Country Club (November 2006)
  • Presenter, “What Will Recent Developments in the Law Mean for You and Your Retirement Savings,” Private Client Workshop at Oakton Community College (October 2006)
  • Presenter, “Secure Your Legacy,” Morgan Stanley Private Client Workshop, (October 2006)
  • Presenter, “Understanding Estate Planning and Living Trusts,” U.S. District Court Employee Lunch and Learn (October 16, 2003)
  • Presenter, “Planning Your Estate,” Fermilab Employee Lunch and Learn (Spring 1997)

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