Anthony L. Frink


T 312.803.7107
Chicago, IL

Anthony Frink advises clients in real estate and finance matters. He represents clients in office, industrial, retail, residential, and other commercial development, as well as construction, sale, leasing, financing, ownership and investment, and real estate finance-related workouts and restructurings, mortgage foreclosures, bankruptcies, and mechanics’ liens.

He represents developers of commercial and residential projects, institutional lenders, and borrowers in real estate transactions nationwide. He also represents landlords and tenants in retail, office, and other commercial leasing


U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois 

Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology, J.D., with honors, 1982 

Yale University, B.A., 1977 

Illinois Leading Lawyers Network (2004 – present) 

Illinois Super Lawyers 

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