Kim C. Martin


T 404.567.4154
F 404.806.6692
Atlanta, GA

Kim C. Martin

Kim Martin is a trusts and estates attorney whose practice focuses on estate planning for families with a special needs family member. Her areas of expertise also include guardianship (including guardianship transfers), divorce settlement agreements in cases involving a special needs child, and tax planning.

As the mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has Autism, Kim brings to her practice an appreciation for the unique challenges and joys of parenting a special needs child. Her favorite aspect of her practice is that it allows her to serve as a resource for families like her own.

Before joining Harrison LLP, Kim practiced at a boutique special needs planning firm in Atlanta. Her previous law firm experience also includes Lefkoff, Duncan, Grimes, McSwain and Hass, P.C., and Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams and Martin (now Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams, and Aughtry). She has also worked in the State and Local Tax Division of KPMG, LLP.

Kim is a frequent speaker on the subjects of special needs trusts, guardianship, and divorce for families that include a child with special needs. She has appeared on several podcasts, most notably Wealth Matters and ABC’s of Disability Planning. Kim has published articles in Trusts and Estates Magazine and Family Lawyer Magazine. Hear more of Kim’s expertise on special needs law on her YouTube channel here.


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, J.D., 1999

The University of Virginia, B.A., 1990

“Just” People, an organization devoted to providing housing and day programs for adults with developmental disabilities, Board of Directors (2018-present)

Special Needs Cobb (formerly Right in the Community), which assists developmentally disabled adults with supported living and day programs, Board of Directors (2020-present)

Frazer Center, which offers an inclusive pre-K program and a day program for adults with intellectual disabilities, Board of Directors (2021-present)

Peter and Paul’s Place, an organization that offers art-based programs for neuro-diverse adults, Board of Directors (2019-present)

Branch Out Initiative, which provides STEM-based activities for children with special needs, Board of Directors (2020-present)

Academy of Special Needs Planners, Member

State Bar of Georgia

Atlanta Bar Association

Atlanta Estate Planning Council (AEPC)

FOCUS Parent Advisory Council (PAC) (2021-present)

Easter Seals Policy Council (2008-2010)

Editorial Board of The Mortmain, a publication of the Estate Planning and Probate Section of the Atlanta Bar Association (2015-2018)

Easter Seals Parent of the Year, Easter Seals Policy Council (2010)

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