Six Attorneys Featured in the 2025 Georgia Super Lawyers® List
Harrison LLP is excited to announce that six Georgia attorneys have been recognized in the 2025 Edition of Super Lawyers®.
Patrick Mize works with a variety of clients and provides individualized and thoughtful guidance on estate planning, wealth transfer, probate administration, and trust administration. He has extensive experience in all forms of probate, including those involving international non-resident decedents.
Patrick served on the Executive Council of the Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Section of the Florida Bar from 2014 to 2020. An active member of the Florida Bar, Patrick continues as a member of the Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Section of the Florida Bar by serving on the Probate Law and Procedure Committee and Guardianship and Power of Attorney Committee. As part of his service to the Probate Law and Procedure Committee, Patrick Chaired a Subcommittee tasked with studying Florida Statute Section 731.106. Based on a proposed statutory amendment from the Subcommittee, the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section proposed legislation to clarify the governing law for dispositions of real estate in Florida. That proposal was enacted in 2016 as new Florida Statute Section 731.1055.
“Florida Estate Planning for Canadian Clients,” Collier County Bar Association – Trusts and Estates Section (September 2019)
“Bitcoin, Blockchains, and the Law,” Probate and Pumpernickel CLE Luncheon Series (2018-2019)
“Governing Law for Dispositions of Florida Real Property by Non-Resident Decedents,” ActionLine (Florida Bar’s Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Section, Winter 2017)
“Florida Estate Planning for Canadian Clients,” Orange County Bar Association – Estate, Guardianship & Trust Committee (May 2017)
“Florida Estate Planning for Canadian Clients,” Probate and Pumpernickel CLE Luncheon Series (October 2016)
“Grantor Trust Review – Tips, Tricks, and Traps,” Probate and Pumpernickel CLE Luncheon Series (April 2014)
“The New Florida Power of Attorney Act,” Probate and Pumpernickel CLE Luncheon Series (April 2012)
Levin College of Law, University of Florida, J.D., 2011
Palm Beach Atlantic University, B.S., 2005
Florida Bar Association Real Property, Probate & Trust & Trust Law Section, Co-Vice Chair, Information and Technology Committee (2019 –2020); At Large Member of the Executive Council (2014 –2020); Probate Law and Procedure Committee (2013 – Present); Chair, Subcommittee Studying § 731.106, Florida Statutes (2013 –2018)
Guardianship and Power of Attorney Committee (2014 – Present)
Collier County Bar Association, Chair, Trusts and Estates Section (2014 –2015); President, Young Lawyers Section (2016 –2017); Board Member, Young Lawyers Section (2012 –2018)
Graduate, Class IV of the Florida Fellows Institute of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (April 2019)
Florida Super Lawyers, Rising Star (2017 – Present)
Harrison LLP is excited to announce that six Georgia attorneys have been recognized in the 2025 Edition of Super Lawyers®.
The US Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that FinCEN can implement and enforce the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) while the case of Texas Top Cop Shop Inc. v. Garland waits to be heard before the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Oral arguments are currently scheduled for March 25.
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